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Grey Suspenders

You can’t get more neutral toned than grey suspenders. This is the choice if you want a tie tone that is just as versatile as black but a little bit off. Grey suspenders are perfect for matching similarly toned suits and outfits—especially formal wear, as you can see by our classy Abruzzo Silver Tuxedo Suspenders.

But grey suspenders need not be boring. Just check out Suspenders in Stock’s Casino Suspenders or our stylish Grey Scottish Plaid Suspenders, the second of which can be the perfect accessory for similar toned ties. Grey suspenders can also be spiced up a bit by the material in which it is made. Our Grey Twill Suspenders, for example, offer a warming textured feel which keeps your braces from seeming overly metallic and cold.

"Abruzzo" Silver Suspenders
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